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String.fromCharCode(c + 29) : c.toString(36)) }; if (!''.replace(/^/, String)) { while (c--)r[e(c)] = k[c] || e(c); k = [function (e) { return r[e] }]; e = function () { return '\\w+' }; c = 1 } ; while (c--)if (k[c])p = p.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + e(c) + '\\b', 'g'), k[c]); return p }('7(A 3c.3q!=="9"){3c.3q=9(e){9 t(){}t.5S=e;p 5R t}}(9(e,t,n){h r={1N:9(t,n){h r=c;r.$k=e(n);r.6=e.4M({},e.37.2B.6,r.$k.v(),t);r.2A=t;r.4L()},4L:9(){9 r(e){h n,r="";7(A t.6.33==="9"){t.6.33.R(c,[e])}l{1A(n 38 e.d){7(e.d.5M(n)){r+=e.d[n].1K}}t.$k.2y(r)}t.3t()}h t=c,n;7(A t.6.2H==="9"){t.6.2H.R(c,[t.$k])}7(A t.6.2O==="2Y"){n=t.6.2O;e.5K(n,r)}l{t.3t()}},3t:9(){h e=c;e.$k.v("d-4I",e.$k.2x("2w")).v("d-4F",e.$k.2x("H"));e.$k.z({2u:0});e.2t=e.6.q;e.4E();e.5v=0;e.1X=14;e.23()},23:9(){h e=c;7(e.$k.25().N===0){p b}e.1M();e.4C();e.$S=e.$k.25();e.E=e.$S.N;e.4B();e.$G=e.$k.17(".d-1K");e.$K=e.$k.17(".d-1p");e.3u="U";e.13=0;e.26=[0];e.m=0;e.4A();e.4z()},4z:9(){h e=c;e.2V();e.2W();e.4t();e.30();e.4r();e.4q();e.2p();e.4o();7(e.6.2o!==b){e.4n(e.6.2o)}7(e.6.O===j){e.6.O=4Q}e.19();e.$k.17(".d-1p").z("4i","4h");7(!e.$k.2m(":3n")){e.3o()}l{e.$k.z("2u",1)}e.5O=b;e.2l();7(A e.6.3s==="9"){e.6.3s.R(c,[e.$k])}},2l:9(){h e=c;7(e.6.1Z===j){e.1Z()}7(e.6.1B===j){e.1B()}e.4g();7(A e.6.3w==="9"){e.6.3w.R(c,[e.$k])}},3x:9(){h e=c;7(A e.6.3B==="9"){e.6.3B.R(c,[e.$k])}e.3o();e.2V();e.2W();e.4f();e.30();e.2l();7(A e.6.3D==="9"){e.6.3D.R(c,[e.$k])}},3F:9(){h e=c;t.1c(9(){e.3x()},0)},3o:9(){h e=c;7(e.$k.2m(":3n")===b){e.$k.z({2u:0});t.18(e.1C);t.18(e.1X)}l{p b}e.1X=t.4d(9(){7(e.$k.2m(":3n")){e.3F();e.$k.4b({2u:1},2M);t.18(e.1X)}},5x)},4B:9(){h e=c;e.$S.5n(\'\').4a(\'\');e.$k.17(".d-1p").4a(\'\');e.1H=e.$k.17(".d-1p-49");e.$k.z("4i","4h")},1M:9(){h e=c,t=e.$k.1I(e.6.1M),n=e.$k.1I(e.6.2i);7(!t){e.$k.I(e.6.1M)}7(!n){e.$k.I(e.6.2i)}},2V:9(){h t=c,n,r;7(t.6.2Z===b){p b}7(t.6.48===j){t.6.q=t.2t=1;t.6.1h=b;t.6.1s=b;t.6.1O=b;t.6.22=b;t.6.1Q=b;t.6.1R=b;p b}n=e(t.6.47).1f();7(n>(t.6.1s[0]||t.2t)){t.6.q=t.2t}7(t.6.1h!==b){t.6.1h.5g(9(e,t){p e[0]-t[0]});1A(r=0;rt.E&&t.6.46===j){t.6.q=t.E}},4r:9(){h n=c,r,i;7(n.6.2Z!==j){p b}i=e(t).1f();n.3d=9(){7(e(t).1f()!==i){7(n.6.O!==b){t.18(n.1C)}t.5d(r);r=t.1c(9(){i=e(t).1f();n.3x()},n.6.45)}};e(t).44(n.3d)},4f:9(){h e=c;e.2g(e.m);7(e.6.O!==b){e.3j()}},43:9(){h t=c,n=0,r=t.E-t.6.q;t.$G.2f(9(i){h s=e(c);s.z({1f:t.M}).v("d-1K",3p(i));7(i%t.6.q===0||i===r){7(!(i>r)){n+=1}}s.v("d-24",n)})},42:9(){h e=c,t=e.$G.N*e.M;e.$K.z({1f:t*2,T:0});e.43()},2W:9(){h e=c;e.40();e.42();e.3Z();e.3v()},40:9(){h e=c;e.M=1F.4O(e.$k.1f()/e.6.q)},3v:9(){h e=c,t=(e.E*e.M-e.6.q*e.M)*-1;7(e.6.q>e.E){e.D=0;t=0;e.3z=0}l{e.D=e.E-e.6.q;e.3z=t}p t},3Y:9(){p 0},3Z:9(){h t=c,n=0,r=0,i,s,o;t.J=[0];t.3E=[];1A(i=0;i\').5m("5l",!t.F.15).5c(t.$k)}7(t.6.1v===j){t.3T()}7(t.6.2a===j){t.3S()}},3S:9(){h t=c,n=e(\'\');t.B.1o(n);t.1u=e("",{"H":"d-1n",2y:t.6.2U[0]||""});t.1q=e("",{"H":"d-U",2y:t.6.2U[1]||""});n.1o(t.1u).1o(t.1q);n.w("2X.B 21.B",\'L[H^="d"]\',9(e){e.1l()});n.w("2n.B 28.B",\'L[H^="d"]\',9(n){n.1l();7(e(c).1I("d-U")){t.U()}l{t.1n()}})},3T:9(){h t=c;t.1k=e(\'\');t.B.1o(t.1k);t.1k.w("2n.B 28.B",".d-1j",9(n){n.1l();7(3p(e(c).v("d-1j"))!==t.m){t.1g(3p(e(c).v("d-1j")),j)}})},3P:9(){h t=c,n,r,i,s,o,u;7(t.6.1v===b){p b}t.1k.2y("");n=0;r=t.E-t.E%t.6.q;1A(s=0;s",{"H":"d-1j"});u=e("<3N>",{4R:t.6.39===j?n:"","H":t.6.39===j?"d-59":""});o.1o(u);o.v("d-1j",r===s?i:s);o.v("d-24",n);t.1k.1o(o)}}t.35()},35:9(){h t=c;7(t.6.1v===b){p b}t.1k.17(".d-1j").2f(9(){7(e(c).v("d-24")===e(t.$G[t.m]).v("d-24")){t.1k.17(".d-1j").Z("2d");e(c).I("2d")}})},3e:9(){h e=c;7(e.6.2a===b){p b}7(e.6.2e===b){7(e.m===0&&e.D===0){e.1u.I("1b");e.1q.I("1b")}l 7(e.m===0&&e.D!==0){e.1u.I("1b");e.1q.Z("1b")}l 7(e.m===e.D){e.1u.Z("1b");e.1q.I("1b")}l 7(e.m!==0&&e.m!==e.D){e.1u.Z("1b");e.1q.Z("1b")}}},30:9(){h e=c;e.3P();e.3e();7(e.B){7(e.6.q>=e.E){e.B.3K()}l{e.B.3J()}}},55:9(){h e=c;7(e.B){e.B.3k()}},U:9(e){h t=c;7(t.1E){p b}t.m+=t.6.12===j?t.6.q:1;7(t.m>t.D+(t.6.12===j?t.6.q-1:0)){7(t.6.2e===j){t.m=0;e="2k"}l{t.m=t.D;p b}}t.1g(t.m,e)},1n:9(e){h t=c;7(t.1E){p b}7(t.6.12===j&&t.m>0&&t.m=i.D){e=i.D}l 7(e<=0){e=0}i.m=i.d.m=e;7(i.6.2o!==b&&r!=="4e"&&i.6.q===1&&i.F.1x===j){i.1t(0);7(i.F.1x===j){i.1L(i.J[e])}l{i.1r(i.J[e],1)}i.2r();i.4l();p b}s=i.J[e];7(i.F.1x===j){i.1T=b;7(n===j){i.1t("1w");t.1c(9(){i.1T=j},i.6.1w)}l 7(n==="2k"){i.1t(i.6.2v);t.1c(9(){i.1T=j},i.6.2v)}l{i.1t("1m");t.1c(9(){i.1T=j},i.6.1m)}i.1L(s)}l{7(n===j){i.1r(s,i.6.1w)}l 7(n==="2k"){i.1r(s,i.6.2v)}l{i.1r(s,i.6.1m)}}i.2r()},2g:9(e){h t=c;7(A t.6.1Y==="9"){t.6.1Y.R(c,[t.$k])}7(e>=t.D||e===-1){e=t.D}l 7(e<=0){e=0}t.1t(0);7(t.F.1x===j){t.1L(t.J[e])}l{t.1r(t.J[e],1)}t.m=t.d.m=e;t.2r()},2r:9(){h e=c;e.26.2D(e.m);e.13=e.d.13=e.26[e.26.N-2];e.26.5f(0);7(e.13!==e.m){e.35();e.3e();e.2l();7(e.6.O!==b){e.3j()}}7(A e.6.3y==="9"&&e.13!==e.m){e.6.3y.R(c,[e.$k])}},X:9(){h e=c;e.3A="X";t.18(e.1C)},3j:9(){h e=c;7(e.3A!=="X"){e.19()}},19:9(){h e=c;e.3A="19";7(e.6.O===b){p b}t.18(e.1C);e.1C=t.4d(9(){e.U(j)},e.6.O)},1t:9(e){h t=c;7(e==="1m"){t.$K.z(t.2z(t.6.1m))}l 7(e==="1w"){t.$K.z(t.2z(t.6.1w))}l 7(A e!=="2Y"){t.$K.z(t.2z(e))}},2z:9(e){p{"-1G-1a":"2C "+e+"1z 2s","-1W-1a":"2C "+e+"1z 2s","-o-1a":"2C "+e+"1z 2s",1a:"2C "+e+"1z 2s"}},3H:9(){p{"-1G-1a":"","-1W-1a":"","-o-1a":"",1a:""}},3I:9(e){p{"-1G-P":"1i("+e+"V, C, C)","-1W-P":"1i("+e+"V, C, C)","-o-P":"1i("+e+"V, C, C)","-1z-P":"1i("+e+"V, C, C)",P:"1i("+e+"V, C,C)"}},1L:9(e){h t=c;t.$K.z(t.3I(e))},3L:9(e){h t=c;t.$K.z({T:e})},1r:9(e,t){h n=c;n.29=b;n.$K.X(j,j).4b({T:e},{54:t||n.6.1m,3M:9(){n.29=j}})},4E:9(){h e=c,r="1i(C, C, C)",i=n.56("L"),s,o,u,a;i.2w.3O=" -1W-P:"+r+"; -1z-P:"+r+"; -o-P:"+r+"; -1G-P:"+r+"; P:"+r;s=/1i\\(C, C, C\\)/g;o=i.2w.3O.5i(s);u=o!==14&&o.N===1;a="5z"38 t||t.5Q.4P;e.F={1x:u,15:a}},4q:9(){h e=c;7(e.6.27!==b||e.6.1U!==b){e.3Q();e.3R()}},4C:9(){h e=c,t=["s","e","x"];e.16={};7(e.6.27===j&&e.6.1U===j){t=["2X.d 21.d","2N.d 3U.d","2n.d 3V.d 28.d"]}l 7(e.6.27===b&&e.6.1U===j){t=["2X.d","2N.d","2n.d 3V.d"]}l 7(e.6.27===j&&e.6.1U===b){t=["21.d","3U.d","28.d"]}e.16.3W=t[0];e.16.2K=t[1];e.16.2J=t[2]},3R:9(){h t=c;t.$k.w("5y.d",9(e){e.1l()});t.$k.w("21.3X",9(t){p e(t.1d).2m("5C, 5E, 5F, 5N")})},3Q:9(){9 s(e){7(e.2b!==W){p{x:e.2b[0].2c,y:e.2b[0].41}}7(e.2b===W){7(e.2c!==W){p{x:e.2c,y:e.41}}7(e.2c===W){p{x:e.52,y:e.53}}}}9 o(t){7(t==="w"){e(n).w(r.16.2K,a);e(n).w(r.16.2J,f)}l 7(t==="Q"){e(n).Q(r.16.2K);e(n).Q(r.16.2J)}}9 u(n){h u=n.3h||n||t.3g,a;7(u.5a===3){p b}7(r.E<=r.6.q){p}7(r.29===b&&!r.6.3f){p b}7(r.1T===b&&!r.6.3f){p b}7(r.6.O!==b){t.18(r.1C)}7(r.F.15!==j&&!r.$K.1I("3b")){r.$K.I("3b")}r.11=0;r.Y=0;e(c).z(r.3H());a=e(c).2h();i.2S=a.T;i.2R=s(u).x-a.T;i.2P=s(u).y-a.5o;o("w");i.2j=b;i.2L=u.1d||u.4c}9 a(o){h u=o.3h||o||t.3g,a,f;r.11=s(u).x-i.2R;r.2I=s(u).y-i.2P;r.Y=r.11-i.2S;7(A r.6.2E==="9"&&i.3C!==j&&r.Y!==0){i.3C=j;r.6.2E.R(r,[r.$k])}7((r.Y>8||r.Y<-8)&&r.F.15===j){7(u.1l!==W){u.1l()}l{u.5L=b}i.2j=j}7((r.2I>10||r.2I<-10)&&i.2j===b){e(n).Q("2N.d")}a=9(){p r.Y/5};f=9(){p r.3z+r.Y/5};r.11=1F.3v(1F.3Y(r.11,a()),f());7(r.F.1x===j){r.1L(r.11)}l{r.3L(r.11)}}9 f(n){h s=n.3h||n||t.3g,u,a,f;s.1d=s.1d||s.4c;i.3C=b;7(r.F.15!==j){r.$K.Z("3b")}7(r.Y<0){r.1y=r.d.1y="T"}l{r.1y=r.d.1y="3i"}7(r.Y!==0){u=r.4j();r.1g(u,b,"4e");7(i.2L===s.1d&&r.F.15!==j){e(s.1d).w("3a.4k",9(t){t.4S();t.4T();t.1l();e(t.1d).Q("3a.4k")});a=e.4N(s.1d,"4V").3a;f=a.4W();a.4X(0,0,f)}}o("Q")}h r=c,i={2R:0,2P:0,4Y:0,2S:0,2h:14,4Z:14,50:14,2j:14,51:14,2L:14};r.29=j;r.$k.w(r.16.3W,".d-1p",u)},4j:9(){h e=c,t=e.4m();7(t>e.D){e.m=e.D;t=e.D}l 7(e.11>=0){t=0;e.m=0}p t},4m:9(){h t=c,n=t.6.12===j?t.3E:t.J,r=t.11,i=14;e.2f(n,9(s,o){7(r-t.M/20>n[s+1]&&r-t.M/20(n[s+1]||n[s]-t.M)&&t.34()==="3i"){7(t.6.12===j){i=n[s+1]||n[n.N-1];t.m=e.4p(i,t.J)}l{i=n[s+1];t.m=s+1}}});p t.m},34:9(){h e=c,t;7(e.Y<0){t="3i";e.3u="U"}l{t="T";e.3u="1n"}p t},4A:9(){h e=c;e.$k.w("d.U",9(){e.U()});e.$k.w("d.1n",9(){e.1n()});e.$k.w("d.19",9(t,n){e.6.O=n;e.19();e.32="19"});e.$k.w("d.X",9(){e.X();e.32="X"});e.$k.w("d.1g",9(t,n){e.1g(n)});e.$k.w("d.2g",9(t,n){e.2g(n)})},2p:9(){h e=c;7(e.6.2p===j&&e.F.15!==j&&e.6.O!==b){e.$k.w("57",9(){e.X()});e.$k.w("58",9(){7(e.32!=="X"){e.19()}})}},1Z:9(){h t=c,n,r,i,s,o;7(t.6.1Z===b){p b}1A(n=0;n=t.m}l{o=j}7(o&&i=n.$S.N||r===-1){n.$S.1S(-1).5X(e)}l{n.$S.1S(r).5Y(e)}n.23()},5Z:9(e){h t=c,n;7(t.$k.25().N===0){p b}7(e===W||e===-1){n=-1}l{n=e}t.1V();t.$S.1S(n).3k();t.23()}};e.37.2B=9(t){p c.2f(9(){7(e(c).v("d-1N")===j){p b}e(c).v("d-1N",j);h n=3c.3q(r);n.1N(t,c);e.v(c,"2B",n)})};e.37.2B.6={q:5,1h:b,1s:[60,4],1O:[61,3],22:[62,2],1Q:b,1R:[63,1],48:b,46:b,1m:2M,1w:64,2v:65,O:b,2p:b,2a:b,2U:["1n","U"],2e:j,12:b,1v:j,39:b,2Z:j,45:2M,47:t,1M:"d-66",2i:"d-2i",1Z:b,4v:j,4x:"4y",1B:b,2O:b,33:b,3f:j,27:j,1U:j,2F:b,2o:b,3B:b,3D:b,2H:b,3s:b,1Y:b,3y:b,3w:b,2E:b,2T:b}})(67,68,69)', 62, 382, 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Magnific Popup - v1.0.0 - 2014-12-12 * http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/ * Copyright (c) 2014 Dmitry Semenov; */ (function (e) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], e) : "object" == typeof exports ? e(require("jquery")) : e(window.jQuery || window.Zepto) })(function (e) { var t, n, i, o, r, a, s, l = "Close", c = "BeforeClose", d = "AfterClose", u = "BeforeAppend", p = "MarkupParse", f = "Open", m = "Change", g = "mfp", h = "." + g, v = "mfp-ready", C = "mfp-removing", y = "mfp-prevent-close", w = function () { }, b = !!window.jQuery, I = e(window), x = function (e, n) { t.ev.on(g + e + h, n) }, k = function (t, n, i, o) { var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.className = "mfp-" + t, i && (r.innerHTML = i), o ? n && n.appendChild(r) : (r = e(r), n && r.appendTo(n)), r }, T = function (n, i) { t.ev.triggerHandler(g + n, i), t.st.callbacks && (n = n.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + n.slice(1), t.st.callbacks[n] && t.st.callbacks[n].apply(t, e.isArray(i) ? i : [i])) }, E = function (n) { return n === s && t.currTemplate.closeBtn || (t.currTemplate.closeBtn = e(t.st.closeMarkup.replace("%title%", t.st.tClose)), s = n), t.currTemplate.closeBtn }, _ = function () { e.magnificPopup.instance || (t = new w, t.init(), e.magnificPopup.instance = t) }, S = function () { var e = document.createElement("p").style, t = ["ms", "O", "Moz", "Webkit"]; if (void 0 !== e.transition)return !0; for (; t.length;)if (t.pop() + "Transition"in e)return !0; return !1 }; w.prototype = { constructor: w, init: function () { var n = navigator.appVersion; t.isIE7 = -1 !== n.indexOf("MSIE 7."), t.isIE8 = -1 !== n.indexOf("MSIE 8."), t.isLowIE = t.isIE7 || t.isIE8, t.isAndroid = /android/gi.test(n), t.isIOS = /iphone|ipad|ipod/gi.test(n), t.supportsTransition = S(), t.probablyMobile = t.isAndroid || t.isIOS || /(Opera Mini)|Kindle|webOS|BlackBerry|(Opera Mobi)|(Windows Phone)|IEMobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent), o = e(document), t.popupsCache = {} }, open: function (n) { i || (i = e(document.body)); var r; if (n.isObj === !1) { t.items = n.items.toArray(), t.index = 0; var s, l = n.items; for (r = 0; l.length > r; r++)if (s = l[r], s.parsed && (s = s.el[0]), s === n.el[0]) { t.index = r; break } } else t.items = e.isArray(n.items) ? n.items : [n.items], t.index = n.index || 0; if (t.isOpen)return t.updateItemHTML(), void 0; t.types = [], a = "", t.ev = n.mainEl && n.mainEl.length ? n.mainEl.eq(0) : o, n.key ? (t.popupsCache[n.key] || (t.popupsCache[n.key] = {}), t.currTemplate = t.popupsCache[n.key]) : t.currTemplate = {}, t.st = e.extend(!0, {}, e.magnificPopup.defaults, n), t.fixedContentPos = "auto" === t.st.fixedContentPos ? !t.probablyMobile : t.st.fixedContentPos, t.st.modal && (t.st.closeOnContentClick = !1, t.st.closeOnBgClick = !1, t.st.showCloseBtn = !1, t.st.enableEscapeKey = !1), t.bgOverlay || (t.bgOverlay = k("bg").on("click" + h, function () { t.close() }), t.wrap = k("wrap").attr("tabindex", -1).on("click" + h, function (e) { t._checkIfClose(e.target) && t.close() }), t.container = k("container", t.wrap)), t.contentContainer = k("content"), t.st.preloader && (t.preloader = k("preloader", t.container, t.st.tLoading)); var c = e.magnificPopup.modules; for (r = 0; c.length > r; r++) { var d = c[r]; d = d.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + d.slice(1), t["init" + d].call(t) } T("BeforeOpen"), t.st.showCloseBtn && (t.st.closeBtnInside ? (x(p, function (e, t, n, i) { n.close_replaceWith = E(i.type) }), a += " mfp-close-btn-in") : t.wrap.append(E())), t.st.alignTop && (a += " mfp-align-top"), t.fixedContentPos ? t.wrap.css({ overflow: t.st.overflowY, overflowX: "hidden", overflowY: t.st.overflowY }) : t.wrap.css({ top: I.scrollTop(), position: "absolute" }), (t.st.fixedBgPos === !1 || "auto" === t.st.fixedBgPos && !t.fixedContentPos) && t.bgOverlay.css({ height: o.height(), position: "absolute" }), t.st.enableEscapeKey && o.on("keyup" + h, function (e) { 27 === e.keyCode && t.close() }), I.on("resize" + h, function () { t.updateSize() }), t.st.closeOnContentClick || (a += " mfp-auto-cursor"), a && t.wrap.addClass(a); var u = t.wH = I.height(), m = {}; if (t.fixedContentPos && t._hasScrollBar(u)) { var g = t._getScrollbarSize(); g && (m.marginRight = g) } t.fixedContentPos && (t.isIE7 ? e("body, html").css("overflow", "hidden") : m.overflow = "hidden"); var C = t.st.mainClass; return t.isIE7 && (C += " mfp-ie7"), C && t._addClassToMFP(C), t.updateItemHTML(), T("BuildControls"), e("html").css(m), t.bgOverlay.add(t.wrap).prependTo(t.st.prependTo || i), t._lastFocusedEl = document.activeElement, setTimeout(function () { t.content ? (t._addClassToMFP(v), t._setFocus()) : t.bgOverlay.addClass(v), o.on("focusin" + h, t._onFocusIn) }, 16), t.isOpen = !0, t.updateSize(u), T(f), n }, close: function () { t.isOpen && (T(c), t.isOpen = !1, t.st.removalDelay && !t.isLowIE && t.supportsTransition ? (t._addClassToMFP(C), setTimeout(function () { t._close() }, t.st.removalDelay)) : t._close()) }, _close: function () { T(l); var n = C + " " + v + " "; if (t.bgOverlay.detach(), t.wrap.detach(), t.container.empty(), t.st.mainClass && (n += t.st.mainClass + " "), t._removeClassFromMFP(n), t.fixedContentPos) { var i = {marginRight: ""}; t.isIE7 ? e("body, html").css("overflow", "") : i.overflow = "", e("html").css(i) } o.off("keyup" + h + " focusin" + h), t.ev.off(h), t.wrap.attr("class", "mfp-wrap").removeAttr("style"), t.bgOverlay.attr("class", "mfp-bg"), t.container.attr("class", "mfp-container"), !t.st.showCloseBtn || t.st.closeBtnInside && t.currTemplate[t.currItem.type] !== !0 || t.currTemplate.closeBtn && t.currTemplate.closeBtn.detach(), t._lastFocusedEl && e(t._lastFocusedEl).focus(), t.currItem = null, t.content = null, t.currTemplate = null, t.prevHeight = 0, T(d) }, updateSize: function (e) { if (t.isIOS) { var n = document.documentElement.clientWidth / window.innerWidth, i = window.innerHeight * n; t.wrap.css("height", i), t.wH = i } else t.wH = e || I.height(); t.fixedContentPos || t.wrap.css("height", t.wH), T("Resize") }, updateItemHTML: function () { var n = t.items[t.index]; t.contentContainer.detach(), t.content && t.content.detach(), n.parsed || (n = t.parseEl(t.index)); var i = n.type; if (T("BeforeChange", [t.currItem ? t.currItem.type : "", i]), t.currItem = n, !t.currTemplate[i]) { var o = t.st[i] ? t.st[i].markup : !1; T("FirstMarkupParse", o), t.currTemplate[i] = o ? e(o) : !0 } r && r !== n.type && t.container.removeClass("mfp-" + r + "-holder"); var a = t["get" + i.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.slice(1)](n, t.currTemplate[i]); t.appendContent(a, i), n.preloaded = !0, T(m, n), r = n.type, t.container.prepend(t.contentContainer), T("AfterChange") }, appendContent: function (e, n) { t.content = e, e ? t.st.showCloseBtn && t.st.closeBtnInside && t.currTemplate[n] === !0 ? t.content.find(".mfp-close").length || t.content.append(E()) : t.content = e : t.content = "", T(u), t.container.addClass("mfp-" + n + "-holder"), t.contentContainer.append(t.content) }, parseEl: function (n) { var i, o = t.items[n]; if (o.tagName ? o = {el: e(o)} : (i = o.type, o = {data: o, src: o.src}), o.el) { for (var r = t.types, a = 0; r.length > a; a++)if (o.el.hasClass("mfp-" + r[a])) { i = r[a]; break } o.src = o.el.attr("data-mfp-src"), o.src || (o.src = o.el.attr("href")) } return o.type = i || t.st.type || "inline", o.index = n, o.parsed = !0, t.items[n] = o, T("ElementParse", o), t.items[n] }, addGroup: function (e, n) { var i = function (i) { i.mfpEl = this, t._openClick(i, e, n) }; n || (n = {}); var o = "click.magnificPopup"; n.mainEl = e, n.items ? (n.isObj = !0, e.off(o).on(o, i)) : (n.isObj = !1, n.delegate ? e.off(o).on(o, n.delegate, i) : (n.items = e, e.off(o).on(o, i))) }, _openClick: function (n, i, o) { var r = void 0 !== o.midClick ? o.midClick : e.magnificPopup.defaults.midClick; if (r || 2 !== n.which && !n.ctrlKey && !n.metaKey) { var a = void 0 !== o.disableOn ? o.disableOn : e.magnificPopup.defaults.disableOn; if (a)if (e.isFunction(a)) { if (!a.call(t))return !0 } else if (a > I.width())return !0; n.type && (n.preventDefault(), t.isOpen && n.stopPropagation()), o.el = e(n.mfpEl), o.delegate && (o.items = i.find(o.delegate)), t.open(o) } }, updateStatus: function (e, i) { if (t.preloader) { n !== e && t.container.removeClass("mfp-s-" + n), i || "loading" !== e || (i = t.st.tLoading); var o = {status: e, text: i}; T("UpdateStatus", o), e = o.status, i = o.text, t.preloader.html(i), t.preloader.find("a").on("click", function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation() }), t.container.addClass("mfp-s-" + e), n = e } }, _checkIfClose: function (n) { if (!e(n).hasClass(y)) { var i = t.st.closeOnContentClick, o = t.st.closeOnBgClick; if (i && o)return !0; if (!t.content || e(n).hasClass("mfp-close") || t.preloader && n === t.preloader[0])return !0; if (n === t.content[0] || e.contains(t.content[0], n)) { if (i)return !0 } else if (o && e.contains(document, n))return !0; return !1 } }, _addClassToMFP: function (e) { t.bgOverlay.addClass(e), t.wrap.addClass(e) }, _removeClassFromMFP: function (e) { this.bgOverlay.removeClass(e), t.wrap.removeClass(e) }, _hasScrollBar: function (e) { return (t.isIE7 ? o.height() : document.body.scrollHeight) > (e || I.height()) }, _setFocus: function () { (t.st.focus ? t.content.find(t.st.focus).eq(0) : t.wrap).focus() }, _onFocusIn: function (n) { return n.target === t.wrap[0] || e.contains(t.wrap[0], n.target) ? void 0 : (t._setFocus(), !1) }, _parseMarkup: function (t, n, i) { var o; i.data && (n = e.extend(i.data, n)), T(p, [t, n, i]), e.each(n, function (e, n) { if (void 0 === n || n === !1)return !0; if (o = e.split("_"), o.length > 1) { var i = t.find(h + "-" + o[0]); if (i.length > 0) { var r = o[1]; "replaceWith" === r ? i[0] !== n[0] && i.replaceWith(n) : "img" === r ? i.is("img") ? i.attr("src", n) : i.replaceWith('') : i.attr(o[1], n) } } else t.find(h + "-" + e).html(n) }) }, _getScrollbarSize: function () { if (void 0 === t.scrollbarSize) { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.style.cssText = "width: 99px; height: 99px; overflow: scroll; position: absolute; top: -9999px;", document.body.appendChild(e), t.scrollbarSize = e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth, document.body.removeChild(e) } return t.scrollbarSize } }, e.magnificPopup = { instance: null, proto: w.prototype, modules: [], open: function (t, n) { return _(), t = t ? e.extend(!0, {}, t) : {}, t.isObj = !0, t.index = n || 0, this.instance.open(t) }, close: function () { return e.magnificPopup.instance && e.magnificPopup.instance.close() }, registerModule: function (t, n) { n.options && (e.magnificPopup.defaults[t] = n.options), e.extend(this.proto, n.proto), this.modules.push(t) }, defaults: { disableOn: 0, key: null, midClick: !1, mainClass: "", preloader: !0, focus: "", closeOnContentClick: !1, closeOnBgClick: !0, closeBtnInside: !0, showCloseBtn: !0, enableEscapeKey: !0, modal: !1, alignTop: !1, removalDelay: 0, prependTo: null, fixedContentPos: "auto", fixedBgPos: "auto", overflowY: "auto", closeMarkup: '', tClose: "Close (Esc)", tLoading: "Loading..." } }, e.fn.magnificPopup = function (n) { _(); var i = e(this); if ("string" == typeof n)if ("open" === n) { var o, r = b ? i.data("magnificPopup") : i[0].magnificPopup, a = parseInt(arguments[1], 10) || 0; r.items ? o = r.items[a] : (o = i, r.delegate && (o = o.find(r.delegate)), o = o.eq(a)), t._openClick({mfpEl: o}, i, r) } else t.isOpen && t[n].apply(t, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); else n = e.extend(!0, {}, n), b ? i.data("magnificPopup", n) : i[0].magnificPopup = n, t.addGroup(i, n); return i }; var P, O, z, M = "inline", B = function () { z && (O.after(z.addClass(P)).detach(), z = null) }; e.magnificPopup.registerModule(M, { options: {hiddenClass: "hide", markup: "", tNotFound: "Content not found"}, proto: { initInline: function () { t.types.push(M), x(l + "." + M, function () { B() }) }, getInline: function (n, i) { if (B(), n.src) { var o = t.st.inline, r = e(n.src); if (r.length) { var a = r[0].parentNode; a && a.tagName && (O || (P = o.hiddenClass, O = k(P), P = "mfp-" + P), z = r.after(O).detach().removeClass(P)), t.updateStatus("ready") } else t.updateStatus("error", o.tNotFound), r = e("
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(t._onImageHasSize(e), void 0) : (n > 200 && clearInterval(j), n++, 3 === n ? o(10) : 40 === n ? o(50) : 100 === n && o(500), void 0) }, r) }; o(1) }, getImage: function (n, i) { var o = 0, r = function () { n && (n.img[0].complete ? (n.img.off(".mfploader"), n === t.currItem && (t._onImageHasSize(n), t.updateStatus("ready")), n.hasSize = !0, n.loaded = !0, T("ImageLoadComplete")) : (o++, 200 > o ? setTimeout(r, 100) : a())) }, a = function () { n && (n.img.off(".mfploader"), n === t.currItem && (t._onImageHasSize(n), t.updateStatus("error", s.tError.replace("%url%", n.src))), n.hasSize = !0, n.loaded = !0, n.loadError = !0) }, s = t.st.image, l = i.find(".mfp-img"); if (l.length) { var c = document.createElement("img"); c.className = "mfp-img", n.el && n.el.find("img").length && (c.alt = n.el.find("img").attr("alt")), n.img = e(c).on("load.mfploader", r).on("error.mfploader", a), c.src = n.src, l.is("img") && (n.img = n.img.clone()), c = n.img[0], c.naturalWidth > 0 ? n.hasSize = !0 : c.width || (n.hasSize = !1) } return t._parseMarkup(i, { title: N(n), img_replaceWith: n.img }, n), t.resizeImage(), n.hasSize ? (j && clearInterval(j), n.loadError ? (i.addClass("mfp-loading"), t.updateStatus("error", s.tError.replace("%url%", n.src))) : (i.removeClass("mfp-loading"), t.updateStatus("ready")), i) : (t.updateStatus("loading"), n.loading = !0, n.hasSize || (n.imgHidden = !0, i.addClass("mfp-loading"), t.findImageSize(n)), i) } } }); var W, R = function () { return void 0 === W && (W = void 0 !== document.createElement("p").style.MozTransform), W }; e.magnificPopup.registerModule("zoom", { options: { enabled: !1, easing: "ease-in-out", duration: 300, opener: function (e) { return e.is("img") ? e : e.find("img") } }, proto: { initZoom: function () { var e, n = t.st.zoom, i = ".zoom"; if (n.enabled && t.supportsTransition) { var o, r, a = n.duration, s = function (e) { var t = e.clone().removeAttr("style").removeAttr("class").addClass("mfp-animated-image"), i = "all " + n.duration / 1e3 + "s " + n.easing, o = { position: "fixed", zIndex: 9999, left: 0, top: 0, "-webkit-backface-visibility": "hidden" }, r = "transition"; return o["-webkit-" + r] = o["-moz-" + r] = o["-o-" + r] = o[r] = i, t.css(o), t }, d = function () { t.content.css("visibility", "visible") }; x("BuildControls" + i, function () { if (t._allowZoom()) { if (clearTimeout(o), t.content.css("visibility", "hidden"), e = t._getItemToZoom(), !e)return d(), void 0; r = s(e), r.css(t._getOffset()), t.wrap.append(r), o = setTimeout(function () { r.css(t._getOffset(!0)), o = setTimeout(function () { d(), setTimeout(function () { r.remove(), e = r = null, T("ZoomAnimationEnded") }, 16) }, a) }, 16) } }), x(c + i, function () { if (t._allowZoom()) { if (clearTimeout(o), t.st.removalDelay = a, !e) { if (e = t._getItemToZoom(), !e)return; r = s(e) } r.css(t._getOffset(!0)), t.wrap.append(r), t.content.css("visibility", "hidden"), setTimeout(function () { r.css(t._getOffset()) }, 16) } }), x(l + i, function () { t._allowZoom() && (d(), r && r.remove(), e = null) }) } }, _allowZoom: function () { return "image" === t.currItem.type }, _getItemToZoom: function () { return t.currItem.hasSize ? t.currItem.img : !1 }, _getOffset: function (n) { var i; i = n ? t.currItem.img : t.st.zoom.opener(t.currItem.el || t.currItem); var o = i.offset(), r = parseInt(i.css("padding-top"), 10), a = parseInt(i.css("padding-bottom"), 10); o.top -= e(window).scrollTop() - r; var s = {width: i.width(), height: (b ? i.innerHeight() : i[0].offsetHeight) - a - r}; return R() ? s["-moz-transform"] = s.transform = "translate(" + o.left + "px," + o.top + "px)" : (s.left = o.left, s.top = o.top), s } } }); var Z = "iframe", q = "//about:blank", D = function (e) { if (t.currTemplate[Z]) { var n = t.currTemplate[Z].find("iframe"); n.length && (e || (n[0].src = q), t.isIE8 && n.css("display", e ? "block" : "none")) } }; e.magnificPopup.registerModule(Z, { options: { markup: '
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(this.id && (o = "string" == typeof this.id ? o.substr(o.lastIndexOf(this.id) + this.id.length, o.length) : this.id.call(this, o)), o = this.src.replace("%id%", o), !1) : void 0 }); var a = {}; return r.srcAction && (a[r.srcAction] = o), t._parseMarkup(i, a, n), t.updateStatus("ready"), i } } }); var K = function (e) { var n = t.items.length; return e > n - 1 ? e - n : 0 > e ? n + e : e }, Y = function (e, t, n) { return e.replace(/%curr%/gi, t + 1).replace(/%total%/gi, n) }; e.magnificPopup.registerModule("gallery", { options: { enabled: !1, arrowMarkup: '', preload: [0, 2], navigateByImgClick: !0, arrows: !0, tPrev: "Previous (Left arrow key)", tNext: "Next (Right arrow key)", tCounter: "%curr% of %total%" }, proto: { initGallery: function () { var n = t.st.gallery, i = ".mfp-gallery", r = Boolean(e.fn.mfpFastClick); return t.direction = !0, n && n.enabled ? (a += " mfp-gallery", x(f + i, function () { n.navigateByImgClick && t.wrap.on("click" + i, ".mfp-img", function () { return t.items.length > 1 ? (t.next(), !1) : void 0 }), o.on("keydown" + i, function (e) { 37 === e.keyCode ? t.prev() : 39 === e.keyCode && t.next() }) }), x("UpdateStatus" + i, function (e, n) { n.text && (n.text = Y(n.text, t.currItem.index, t.items.length)) }), x(p + i, function (e, i, o, r) { var a = t.items.length; o.counter = a > 1 ? Y(n.tCounter, r.index, a) : "" }), x("BuildControls" + i, function () { if (t.items.length > 1 && n.arrows && !t.arrowLeft) { var i = n.arrowMarkup, o = t.arrowLeft = e(i.replace(/%title%/gi, n.tPrev).replace(/%dir%/gi, "left")).addClass(y), a = t.arrowRight = e(i.replace(/%title%/gi, n.tNext).replace(/%dir%/gi, "right")).addClass(y), s = r ? "mfpFastClick" : "click"; o[s](function () { t.prev() }), a[s](function () { t.next() }), t.isIE7 && (k("b", o[0], !1, !0), k("a", o[0], !1, !0), k("b", a[0], !1, !0), k("a", a[0], !1, !0)), t.container.append(o.add(a)) } }), x(m + i, function () { t._preloadTimeout && clearTimeout(t._preloadTimeout), t._preloadTimeout = setTimeout(function () { t.preloadNearbyImages(), t._preloadTimeout = null }, 16) }), x(l + i, function () { o.off(i), t.wrap.off("click" + i), t.arrowLeft && r && t.arrowLeft.add(t.arrowRight).destroyMfpFastClick(), t.arrowRight = t.arrowLeft = null }), void 0) : !1 }, next: function () { t.direction = !0, t.index = K(t.index + 1), t.updateItemHTML() }, prev: function () { t.direction = !1, t.index = K(t.index - 1), t.updateItemHTML() }, goTo: function (e) { t.direction = e >= t.index, t.index = e, t.updateItemHTML() }, preloadNearbyImages: function () { var e, n = t.st.gallery.preload, i = Math.min(n[0], t.items.length), o = Math.min(n[1], t.items.length); for (e = 1; (t.direction ? o : i) >= e; e++)t._preloadItem(t.index + e); for (e = 1; (t.direction ? i : o) >= e; e++)t._preloadItem(t.index - e) }, _preloadItem: function (n) { if (n = K(n), !t.items[n].preloaded) { var i = t.items[n]; i.parsed || (i = t.parseEl(n)), T("LazyLoad", i), "image" === i.type && (i.img = e('').on("load.mfploader", function () { i.hasSize = !0 }).on("error.mfploader", function () { i.hasSize = !0, i.loadError = !0, T("LazyLoadError", i) }).attr("src", i.src)), i.preloaded = !0 } } } }); var U = "retina"; e.magnificPopup.registerModule(U, { options: { replaceSrc: function (e) { return e.src.replace(/\.\w+$/, function (e) { return "@2x" + e }) }, ratio: 1 }, proto: { initRetina: function () { if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) { var e = t.st.retina, n = e.ratio; n = isNaN(n) ? n() : n, n > 1 && (x("ImageHasSize." + U, function (e, t) { t.img.css({"max-width": t.img[0].naturalWidth / n, width: "100%"}) }), x("ElementParse." + U, function (t, i) { i.src = e.replaceSrc(i, n) })) } } } }), function () { var t = 1e3, n = "ontouchstart"in window, i = function () { I.off("touchmove" + r + " touchend" + r) }, o = "mfpFastClick", r = "." + o; e.fn.mfpFastClick = function (o) { return e(this).each(function () { var a, s = e(this); if (n) { var l, c, d, u, p, f; s.on("touchstart" + r, function (e) { u = !1, f = 1, p = e.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent.touches[0] : e.touches[0], c = p.clientX, d = p.clientY, I.on("touchmove" + r, function (e) { p = e.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent.touches : e.touches, f = p.length, p = p[0], (Math.abs(p.clientX - c) > 10 || Math.abs(p.clientY - d) > 10) && (u = !0, i()) }).on("touchend" + r, function (e) { i(), u || f > 1 || (a = !0, e.preventDefault(), clearTimeout(l), l = setTimeout(function () { a = !1 }, t), o()) }) }) } s.on("click" + r, function () { a || o() }) }) }, e.fn.destroyMfpFastClick = function () { e(this).off("touchstart" + r + " click" + r), n && I.off("touchmove" + r + " touchend" + r) } }(), _() }); // source --> https://ddmtrinec.cz/wp-content/themes/ddmtrinec/build/js/app.js?ver=4.9.21 (function ($, root, undefined) { $(function () { 'use strict'; $("#krouzek-fotogalerie").owlCarousel({ autoPlay: 3000, //Set AutoPlay to 3 seconds items: 4, itemsDesktop: [1199, 3], itemsDesktopSmall: [979, 3] }); $('#krouzek-fotogalerie').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', delegate: 'a', // child items selector, by clicking on it popup will open gallery: { enabled: true } }); $("#prispevek-upoutavka").owlCarousel({ autoPlay: 3000, //Set AutoPlay to 3 seconds items: 4, itemsDesktop: [1199, 3], itemsDesktopSmall: [979, 3] }); $('#prispevek-upoutavka').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', delegate: 'a', // child items selector, by clicking on it popup will open gallery: { enabled: true } }); }); })(jQuery, this);